Review of Vanaja

Vanaja (2006)
Very well done and very depressing...
7 December 2013
"Vanaja" is well done and the first-time director (Rajnesh Domalpalli) apparently made the film for his masters degree! This is very impressive and he showed an amazing deftness for such an inexperienced director! However, while I did appreciate the great work done to make this film, I must warn you that this is an incredibly depressing film--mostly because the value of woman in many places in the world still is minimal. In this story, a young girl, Vanaja, is horribly mistreated and while you know such things happen, it sure is sad to watch.

The film begins with Vanaja about 15 years-old. However, to me she only appeared about 11 or perhaps 12--and this made the story a bit more disturbing because she looked so much like a child. But long before this, we see the girl go to work for a local rich landlady. Vanaja has spirit--she's spunky but likable and soon the rich lady takes her under her wing and teaches Vanaja to dance. Vanaja has a real passion and talent for dancing and you assume through the course of the film she'll rise to greatness. However, while this could happen, the film instead centers on he immediate life--and it sure gets pretty bad. But, as I don't want to ruin the film for you, I'll say no more and just encourage you to see it.

I think this is an important film in the way it documents the devaluation of women as well as the evils of classism. So, from an academic sense, it's well worth seeing. However, it's anything but a feel-good picture--and will most likely depress you--especially because it doesn't end on a particularly satisfying note. But, of course, in real life this IS often the case.
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