Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Day of The Doctor made my night!
2 December 2013
I managed to wait until the following Monday after this episode aired, so I could watch it in a movie theater in 3-D. And it was definitely worth the wait!

I had very high expectations, especially given that it was both the 50th anniversary episode AND was promoted as including the 10th Doctor; David Tennant. It delivered! Boy did it! The beginning minutes were just okay, nothing especially memorable; then from out of nowhere, I was staring at the screen like an awestruck child...and it continued until the closing credits.

Steven Moffat wrote not only a very engaging story, he also managed to deliver a powerful and action loaded finale that fit perfectly! I am a very analytically person, especially when it comes to writers trying to pull a fast one on a show's mythology; However, Moffat actually wove an intricate story that did not betray 50 years of established stories.

I was especially impressed with how he honored those 50 years; it was pure genius! Granted, some people who have not been a fan of Doctor Who since the 70's, as I am, might miss some of the more subtle nods he gives to the show's past stories; I still feel it will please newer "Whovians."

The climatic "showdown" of the episode was, for me, the best part of it all! I truly can not think of a better way to do it for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary than how it was done.

And while I am a man of late 40's, I squealed like a schoolgirl during a scene in the museum near the end (If you've seen the episode, you can probably guess why)

The only complaint that I have is...hmmm....actually, I have NONE!

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