I blame the turkey for this turkey
28 November 2013
It's amazing what a Thanksgiving food coma will do to a girl. Case in point: I watched this entire film. The entire bloody thing. Those are 90 minutes I will never, ever, be able to get back!

Oh. Holy. Hell. What did I do????

To say the writing is insipid is being generous. The dialogue is downright lame, and when it's delivered by actors who seem completely unenthusiastic about appearing on camera, the entire thing is just painful. The tragedy here is that I have seen all of these people, every one of them, in roles that showed they are actually capable of acting. It's like they read the screenplay, realized that no one was ever going to see this piece of tripe after all, and then decided to dial it in. From Norway.

I'd suggest you skip it, but if you're determined, make sure you've stocked up on a bottle or three of wine first. It's the only way you'll survive.
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