Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Wow ... I Mean WOW.
23 November 2013
Right off the top, I'm no great-shakes Whovian, so let's get that out of the way right now. Cut my teeth on Tom Baker back in the 70s and thought he was great fun. More recently, I came to know the Doctor when he met Amy Pond ... who had this rather ominous crack in the wall of her bedroom. It was in large portion her character and energy that moved me to revisit this old friend and at least duck in now and again to see where things were going.

And then I heard that the Doctor was celebrating 50 years and noting that everyone from James T. Kirk to Malcolm Reynolds was offering their best wishes, and I figured, "Gad, I can't miss this." And I didn't.

I just finished watching ... and about all I can say is wow. Mr. Moffat, you've written some corkers in your day, but this one ... this one is something very special. Yeah, it was neat to see Tennant and Smith together, and Mr. Hurt brought his own palate to the show. But it was the twists of the plot, the thoughtfulness and inventiveness which is Steven's hallmark which carried the day here. There is also the matter of a ... curator ... who showed up toward the end. Yeah, that did put a smile on my face, a big one.

To Matt, David, Steven, Billie, John ... all of you ... many, many thanks.
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