Loved this movie, fantastic, family friendly
23 November 2013
I thoroughly enjoyed this film.

This is a film that I would heartily recommend for families with children of all ages.

It gave so much to think about, such as the biblical principles of honoring elders, being patient, and being generous, and the film accomplished this through laughter, tears, and even a moment of heart-stopping action.

The musical arrangements were fantastic, always so perfectly timed and well executed.

But, I have to say, my favorite part was watching Megan (Stacey Bradshaw) grow over the course of the movie. It was very interesting to see how that was portrayed though her own narration. In the beginning she moves past things that seem difficult (the breakfast club, a group of three persnickety older men) and grows to not simply deal with their crankiness, but come to love them, and be moved by their lives.

I shan't spoil it, but get tissues. This is a beautifully crafted story, wonderfully done, and it will leave you with a heart full of thankfulness for the time you have today.
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