Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Matt Smith's Doctor Who joins forces with David Tennant's in order to take some sort of action over the War Doctor (John Hurt)'s destruction of Gallifrey.

This feature length special, made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the long-running BBC serial was shown in cinemas in 3D simultaneously with its telecast, and I must say that I am really glad that I saw it in a cinema packed with Doctor Who enthusiasts. The audience laughed at all the humour (this was a very funny film) and were absolutely silent throughout the considerable drama. They also reacted strongly to every little touch which was crafted into the film for fans who have followed since the very first episode.

The film worked well as a standalone movie, better as an episode which both resolved past questions and seeded future ones, and best of all as a celebration of this series since its inception.

It is delightful to see from this episode (together with the recent mini-episode) Paul McGann's Doctor welcomed fully and comprehensively into BBC TV continuity. It was good that not every cat was let out of the bag. And the effects and 3D were worthy of a cinema release.

Highly recommended.
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