You never knew where you had him
21 November 2013
This documentary consists of expert interviews, film clips, reenactments, real footage, computer simulations and narration. It goes into the self-contradictory(showcasing both political extremes in his work) sci-fi author Robert Heinlein.

Covered are his predictions of mind control(we can now manipulate neurons to affect moral judgment), futuristic armor(soon to be exo-skeletons that give people back the use of their legs if they have lost it), cold sleep/cryogenics, outer space colonization, ice on the moon, the internet(and addiction to it), pneumatic tubes and the Star Wars defense.

He also offered musings on personal liberty(he became an unwilling guru for hippies as he challenged monogamy and religion), completely taking people by surprise as his earlier work, such as the polarizing Starship Troopers, was regarded by some as a celebration of fascism and glorification of military conquest. His vivid imagination and the fears of his period drove him to comment and ponder, and he even got to see some of the things he thought up come true.

There is a lot of disturbing content in this. I recommend this to any fan of the writer. 8/10
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