Keeping Up Appearances (1990–1995)
Dry yet funny
19 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some other reviews which criticize this show, I agree that the writing is at times trite and repetitive to the point of being downright tiresome after one or two episodes. But no sooner do I roll my eyes and think "is this the best the writer could come up with?", Hyacinth does something that makes me laugh out loud--like when she climbs a wall in a stranger's back yard, or is in the back of a parked truck when the driver gets in and drives off, leaving a frantic Hyacinth trying to get his attention (to no avail), or gets drunk off gooseberry wine ("wooseberry gine", as she puts it).

So yes, the writing of this show is often dull and repetitive, an yes Hyacinth Bucket drives everyone around her absolutely crazy, but despite this, there's something eminently likable about her, endearing even. As an American, the British sense of humor seems quite dry and restrained by comparison. But once you immerse yourself in that world, you see how hysterical some of her antics can be. I guess Hyacinth Bucket is Britain's answer to Lucille Ball. It's definitely worth checking out this show!
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