light-years better than «Farewell, My Queen»
17 November 2013
Having finished reading Elena Maria Vidal ( http://planetrussell.net/emvidal2/ )'s «Trianon: A Novel of Royal France» (review: http://traditioninaction.org/bkreviews/A_007br_Trianon.htm ), my wife and I watched «Farewell, My Queen» and deeply regret it. Honestly, it is on par with the pornographic, slanderous pamphlets in the Queen's era.

This film, however, is day-and-night better.

It doesn't have unnecessary nudity like «Farewell, My Queen», which portrays Queen Marie-Antoinette as having same-sex attractions with La Duchesse Gabrielle de Polignac and making her reader Sidonie Laborde be a decoy and dress like La Duchesse just to save La Duchesse's life.

«Louis XVI, the Man Who Didn't Want to Be King» (watch in French here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5g9EuXPtR0 ) is much more accurate because, unlike «Farewell, My Queen», it actually gives the King a part with dialogue, shows Trianon more, shows Marie-Antoinette's children and her being a mother more, mentions more history than just the Storming of the Bastille and a passing reference to the defecting of priests, and includes scenes from the King's trial.

Two thumbs down for «Farewell, My Queen». Two thumbs up for «Louis XVI, the Man Who Didn't Want to Be King»p.
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