Drivng Lessons
13 November 2013
Delando Johnson Mr. Faziani English 1 November 13, 2013

Driving Lessons

I honestly don't like the movie Driving Lessons. I feel that is was dry and confusing. I also feel that the movie was not well put together. In my opinion Jeremy Brock left the reader out on a limb too much. He left too much of the movie up to the viewer's interpretation and it gets confusing. The movie has a good moral value and it had a good plot it was just too much. I feel that he could have focused on one thing or explained other things more. For example, what is Mr. Finchem's condition and how he got that way. We see him gone crazy but as a viewer we can't help but wonder what his problem is and why he eventually hit Ben's mother. Even at the end we see Ben's growth but we are still left out in the dry with other characters and there are question left unanswered. For example, Ben's mother's relationship, where the characters go from there, Mr. Finchem's situation, etc.

The actors did a god job in my opinion. You could tell what type of character we were supposed to get from the actors. For example, Bens' mother, you could tell she was bad from how she spoke and her actions. I feel that Eve was a very good character also because she brought the conflict to the story and the solution. She made Ben disobey his mother but also helped him find himself. This is Ben's story and he needed Eve to grow. Jeremy Brock did a good job of intertwining the title of the movie with how the movie plays out. He named it driving lessons and he showed us how Ben's driving lessons affected the whole movie. For example, he was driving his mother to cheat on his father which caused conflict with his family. Also, he was driving Eve around and working for her which caused conflict with his mother. But ultimately the thing he was having driving lessons on was his life. Ben was learning how to be a man and control his life the way he wanted. Eve helped him grow as a person. She helped him break out of the shell he was in and helped him make decisions that were best for him. I feel that that the mother was also another good character. I feel she provided the conflict in the story with her cheating, her strictness and her being a hypocrite. Jeremy Brock did a good job of showing how bad she was and how she affected Ben's life. Ben's mother was the reason he was like a scared boy. She manipulated him and used her power as his mother to make him do things she wanted without caring if that's what he wanted to do. She didn't allow him to have fun, or be himself because she was too over protective. She also manipulated the father and how the father acted with her reflected with Ben.
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