Bright Lights (1935)
Powder my back for me
12 November 2013
Busby Berkeley film is a clichéd story (even in 1935) about a small-timer who makes it big and falls for a pretty blonde actress. This is a Joe E. Brown movie so there's lots of creaky cornball comedy, despite the fact the movie is actually more of a drama. I've never been a big fan of Brown's. His rubber-facing and grating voice is something that probably worked best for the vaudeville crowds he made his name with. In other words, his style of comedy is extremely dated.

Ann Dvorak plays his neglected wife. Dvorak was a beautiful and talented actress who made the most of even the most thankless part. She's the best thing about this film. Another performance of note is Henry O'Neill as a Broadway producer. It's fun to see a great character actor like O'Neill playing something besides a businessman or lawyer. Give this a shot if you're a fan of Joe E. Brown or Ann Dvorak. It's nothing groundbreaking but it's OK.
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