Cairo Time (2009)
Juliette Grant: "I am happy that I waited"
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The red threat of this movie is known: some Thursday's in 'Brief Encounter', some days in 'The Bridges in Madison County'. If something in a marriage is vulnerable and has to be repaired before the unrepairable option of divorce: here is an example to repair before ... . The middle-aged Juliette visits her husband (away on UN-mission) in Cairo. Instead her husband, the Muslim Tarik welcomes her at the airport. As the film moves forward Juliette is tempted by the low keyed politeness of this man. Occasionally her husband phones, the wife begging her husband to come. She wanders alone the streets of Cairo, followed by men. After this Tarik is he her 'bodyguard'. The space her absent husband created is taken by Tarik. Nothing and everything happens between the female Christian and the male Muslim. The subtle affection develops towards the moment when she asks him to her room for tea. The movement of their body language (her hesitating preparation of the tea and him: first on the balcony - then in front of her, engulfed by the films most intense moment). She: "Come." They do what she told everybody: that she will climb the Pyramids with her husband. Now it is Tarik. The gentle gentleman he is, takes off his jacket for her to sit on.

In Europe the metaphor of the tower is phallic symbolism. Here it is the pyramid. Like this she, the tourist in a foreign country, handles their feelings: climbing together the phallic pyramid-tower. Before she does it with her husband. Nothing but everything happens. Differently. The 'betrayed' husband was too sure of his wife and friend - leaving his space as husband empty. Returning to the hotel after their 'infidelity', Mark waits. An awkward situation as nothing but unseen for him, everything has happened. When she prepared the tea: the moment that affection crossed the line. The movie ends, the camera following husband and wife approaching the Pyramids. The husband, the second choice, unaware that the privilege had been given by him to the other.

But. Was Taric no the medicine for husband and wife, now and then needed to renew a marriage, taking care of subtle flaws as it happened those Thursday's and the week. Again to see the other and not only look. Husband and wife entering the elevator, before the door closes, she looks at Taric, seeing him: "I am happy that I waited." Unaware of all this: the wife's husband, the boy Mark, sure of his wife. Too sure.
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