Silent Night (I) (2012)
Boring, crappy D list slasher
6 November 2013
I really wanted to at least enjoy this movie. This sort of/VERY loose re- boot of the infamous 1984 slasher, "Silent Night, Deadly night". Even if it was a "so bad it's good" kind of a film would have been OK. But this ultra low-budget crap-fest is just plain awful. Lots of scenes are filmed with a shaky camera. Almost like a youtube video filmed by a crack-head. Really bad acting by every single actor here. Malcom McDowel is officially in the "bottom-feeder D list club." The FX are a joke. And the movie stumbles with plot holes galore with a terrible pace. Really boring. Real pointless. A waste of time for all. Avoid it. Don't be curious. It's just a piece of crap.
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