Doonby (2013)
Misbilled. NOT A Mystery/Thriller.
3 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an anti-abortion fantasy piece. The acting was terrible. The story was disjointed and did not hang together even in the context of its "look what would have been" evangelical message. John Schneider was particularly bad--stilted and wooden.

It was pretty apparent early on that there was something weird going on in this movie, and I don't mean the Superman Sam action. It was set in a small Texas town but though there were drunks and promiscuous women, the F word never once passed anyone's lips. The hero, a big aw shucks kind of guy who is pure in heart and mind sees a woman riding in a Mercedes with her hair blowing in the wind and is instantly smitten with her. He has eyes for no one else despite the fact that many women are lusting for him and she is a spoiled rich drunk. The worst person in the movie was a knife-loving homicidal maniac from guess where? You got it, New York City.

I think the user reviews will tend to break down along ideological lines although I saw one that thought the story & message engaging while agreeing with me about the disjointed nature of the film. Putting aside my disagreement with the movie's ideology, it was aesthetically a badly made and badly acted film.

I wasted $8.50 (I'm a senior who went to a neighborhood theater) and a nice Sunday afternoon. Don't make the same mistake.
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