The Tomorrow People (2013–2014)
Lazy, lazy writers Plot holes galore NO surprise there
2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin...

You can teleport, but you run from bullets instead of.... teleporting. I don't know... I am thinking completely disappearing from the danger is better than running a few feet away and trying to hide behind a car from it. Where you will then be shot at again. But, you can completely leave the scene in an instant. Um... yeah, OK.

You have the bad guy in a vulnerable position where you can easily and safely get rid of him thus ending most if not all of your problems. But you simply TELL him you are going to kill him and then LET HIM GO.

You see the bad guy doing bad things and telling you he is going to do bad things in bad ways OVER and OVER AGAIN and yet every single time he does something bad you are, for some inexplicable reason, surprised.

You can stop time with a mere thought. Six bombs are about to explode. Instead of stopping time to take care of the issue, which you have demonstrated you can do with no problem at all, you take a huge chance in effing things up by having some other character try to be in 5 places at once so you and he can "cut the wires" on all the bombs at the same time. But if you mess up even a little bit, the bombs will explode killing you and a bunch of innocent violin playing children nearby. But, you can stop time. Yet you choose not to. OK, then.

Time is going to come to an abrupt halt on this hot mess of a teen super hero show if the writers continue producing obviously lazy and contrite work.

Par for the course for American television though. Unlike the hero seeing the same thing over and over again and being taken aback by it, I am not shocked at all.
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