Hallows' Eve (2013)
A decent low budget slasher
25 October 2013
To begin with, there are only two other reviews for this film at the time of this writing and both give it a 1 rating. As in the worst possible score any movie can be rated on IMDb. The people giving this a one rating must not have seen very many low budget movies. I would suggest for them to take a look at IMDb's Bottom 100. There may be other ways to get there, but I just scroll to the bottom of IMDb's homepage and click on Top Movies link. From there you will see a link on the left side of your screen that says IMDb Bottom 100. Now just pick out a few of those titles that sound interesting to you, find yourself a copy somewhere (just don't pay too much for them, or better yet, see if a friend has any of them so you don't have to pay at all), try to watch them until the end and then reassess this film properly. I'll even give you a few examples of some films to watch for this assignment: BIRDEMIC: SHOCK AND TERROR (2010), DISASTER MOVIE (2008), ZOMBIE NATION (2004), and HOUSE OF THE DEAD (2003). You will see that there are movies much worse than what you thought this one was. You just need some perspective.

Now onto the film at hand. For a reported budget of $300k, I feel this movie did very well. I may be somewhat biased because of two names in this film. Danielle Harris and the always beautiful Tiffany Shepis (who I wish would have had much more screen time). Both did very well in their limited parts, as expected. It's not everyday that one gets to see two of their favorite horror scream queens on the same screen. The rest of the cast was spotty, but acceptable. Courtney Baxter was looking very lovely too, even with her disfigured face. Matthew Nadu (Joe) and Stephen Medvidick (Rudy) did good as well. I wasn't sure about the character of Rudy to begin with, but he grew on me over the course of the film and did really well helping to carry this movie along. Some of the sets were a little cheap (Aberzombie & Twitch), but overall the haunted farm-like setting was decent, nothing too elaborate but good for the limited budget. I enjoyed this film and in the end it wasn't just because of the limited presence of Danielle Harris and Tiffany Shepis. The story was a bit weak but passable, as were the kills. Better than represented here on IMDb thus far. A solid 6 in my book for what the filmmakers were able to achieve with a very limited budget.
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