fans from the original trilogy... DO NOT WATCH THIS!
6 October 2013
This film doesn't even deserve a rating...

I've been a fan of these films ever since I was a child and I could not believe this one even exists. I saw the title and was intrigued to see what it was like. Unfortunately almost immediately I knew even thinking about watching this was a big mistake... I must of watched the first 2 minutes and instantly switched it off. Bare in mind the first three films are all animated, this one for unknown reasons decided to be made into cheap CGI. You can say I didn't give it a good chance because i didn't watch it all the way through or at least half way, but after seeing how it was made I decided it was best to not put myself though any mental torture and hold onto my original memory for the first three films. Some titles just need to be left alone and this is certainly a good example for this.
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