Sins (2012)
A movie about mafia gangsters in Italy talking. Some killing. Not much.
3 October 2013
This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Why in the world Danny Glover accepted this script is beyond me. Must have been the money. Half the movie is in English, half in Italian with subtitles. Bad writing, bad directing, bad acting, bad editing. Bad. Bad. Bad. I rented this for $1.50 and they should have paid me to watch it. A small independent film is one thing. Bravo for those who make Indies. But this movie felt like some rich guy gave his son a bunch of money to blow making a movie no one should watch. Don't torture yourself by watching this movie. I'd rather have pins stuck in my eyes than watch it again. It would be funny if it wasn't so Baaaaaaaad.
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