Review of Detour

Detour (I) (2013)
A Sleep Drug in Film Form
19 October 2013
3.4 of 10. I nodded off, slept, woke up, backed up to the last scene I remembered, and forced myself to watch it all. Excellent as something to get you to sleep without any drugs. While the ending is technically impressive and the overall story a good idea, it's not executed/produced well.

Claustrophobia and other confined phobia stories are difficult challenges for film, especially when the entire film is based on it rather than just some scenes. It seems to be catching on as one of the latest fads for directors to try to prove that they can make an entire film about it interesting. As compared to Buried (2010) where the ending rescues the film, Detour's ending only makes it more entertaining and not enough so.

In short, it's more of a resume film for some technically skilled directors/cinematographers, not something to watch unless you have a job/class that requires it. If you have a class that requires it, consider it a tip to switch schools or at least cancel and opt for a different class.
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