Limited as a documentary but it has some exceptional war footage
18 October 2013
This Second World War military documentary details the war in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the United States. It details not only the conflict but the battleground itself, namely the Pacific Ocean, its islands and peoples. It looks at some battles and tactics used by the U.S. Its value as a historical documentary is somewhat limited though, as it was essentially a propaganda film used to show the folks back in America how the war effort was justified and going strong. Because it was released during the war itself it is always going to be very biased towards the American effort and little will be known about the Japanese tactics and motivations.

Nevertheless, it still is a fascination film for other reasons. Firstly as an example of a message movie but secondly, and much more importantly nowadays, for the incredible war footage it captures. There is all sorts of real material ranging from soldiers goofing around on leave to grim images of dead men washed up on a beach. But most impressive of all the naval battle scenes. In these we really get quite an impression of the truly frightening situation these men were in, with burning aircrafts flying low overhead, constant gunfire and massive explosions. So, while this is (understandably) limited as a documentary about the war itself, it has some impressive and important images. Footage that must never be forgotten.
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