Eastenders vs. Hollyoaks. Via Emmerdale
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Kemp gets killed by the ugly one from Emmerdale who's always in lads mags, so Alan Ford 'sorts it out'.

Meanwhile, the really fit one from Hollyoaks stands around cooing at a bouncer, but doesn't know that Johnny Allen from Eastenders is still mad that Martin has been killed.

And Martin Compston just stands around thinking 'why?'.

Its a wonderful title, and fans of soaps will recognise lots of the cast, something your mum and dad would watch because of who is in it, but alas,mother film is one big mess.

The cast, aside from Bastian are dreadful, and considering that Berkoff, Ford, Compston, and even Murray are quite prolific, that's some going.

Bastian saves face, but when your biggest role is in the poor soap Hollyoaks, it isn't saying much.

Make up effects could be worse, and they suit the film in some strange way, but the film tries too hard. England pops up for no real reason other than to elevate the film a little, and he really looks like he knows this.

Its one of those cases where the title is lot better than the film.

A lot.
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