Bloodrage (1980)
Drawing first blood.
16 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With having read over the last months on the IMDb Horror board fellow IMDb'ers highly praising John Grissmer's 1987 Slasher movie Blood Rage,I was thrilled to recently discover the film being sold at a very good price.

Rushing to put the DVD on as soon as it arrived in the post,I quickly found out that the "Blood Rage" that I had brought was not the 1987 film,but a 1979 movie called "Bloodrage",directed by Joseph Zito!.Despite having found Zito's 1981 Slasher The Prowler to be an unbelievably dull movie,I decided to push any negative preconceptions to the side,due to hoping that Zito would unleash his "blood rage" in this film.

View on the film:

Shooting the film on location on the streets of New York,director Joseph Zito makes the mean streets the star of his hard-nosed Grindhouse Horror,with Zito surprisingly keeping the blood to a minimum,to instead smash the viewer's face repeatedly on the curb by showing the New York that Ryan (played by a great,angelic looking James Johnson) to be one that is filled with thugs,pimps addicts and not one single likable character.

Matching Zito's directing style,the lean screenplay by Robert Jahn has a strong nihilistic streak running straight through it.With the places that Ryan visits,Jahn reveals them to be covered in seedy grime and grunge,which Jahn shows are made extra murky by the blood that Ryan splatters across the streets as his rage takes control.
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