Wadjda (2012)
A fantastic film contribution from Saudi Arabia.
16 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film gives us a unique glimpse into a society we know very little about. The story might seem simple at first but as we are witnessing the events unfolding we notice that the story is a lot deeper than that. Underneath the surface of a standard modern society we see how women have to cope in this patriarchal restrictive society. Despite the absurdities that women face every day we can still relate to the characters and the themes in this film. What makes this film so good is how it tells us a story of how people live their lives through the experiences of a little girl. Where dreams can still be realized despite how oppressive things can be. While a sense of optimism always lingering in the background with a healthy dose of humour. A rare but curious journey into a society that seems so different than ours. The director did a great job at telling the everyday story about the Saudi Arabian people without any bias or obvious political agenda. All through the perspective of a charismatic young little girl who just wants a green bicycle.

It is good to see films use similar themes but from a different perspective. The film industry is too clouded with uncreativity. I hope this film experience is not the last great adventure from Saudi Arabia.
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