Machete Kills (2013)
Oh, Wow! Just Wow!
14 October 2013
Well, I was expecting something on the line of the first movie. Nope. If that is what you want, don't go. Even with the big-name cast, there isn't anything here to redeem it for lovers of a a good (or even average)dramatic movie. However, if you want a great comedy.....

What this movie is, and what some reviewers don't seem to get, is a complete spoof. This is a deliberately over-the-top attempt at creating a classic B-movie. Or if you've ever watched Hispanic TV, with all the poor over-acting and outrageous situations...that's what this is. This is not geared to someone who wants a great movie, but to someone who simply wants to laugh at poor film-making.

It is an extremely violent and graphic movie, but you don't really notice or care, because of how funny the poor acting is. And how so many people with automatic weapons, can miss so many targets standing in the open only feet away....well, that's what this kind of movie is all about.

Personally, I'm sorry I wasted the money on a ticket. But when it comes out on DVD, and you want a mindless night of poor B-movies, this might fit the bill.
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