An insightful film
14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Leaving the cinema I felt pleased having learnt about something I knew little about and had questions needing answers. Certainly the story behind the events, whether entirely accurate or not, got me thinking. Any film that achieves this is definitely worth your money.

Particularly thought provoking was the ethics of editing information we receive. We see towards the end of the film we see Julian and Daniel talking with the Guardian journalists. They were asking for names to be omitted from the info being released which Julian said his volunteers would work on removing. However we and Daniel Berg knew there weren't any. So I ask you: would you edit the information and if you do where do you stop? Or do you remain steadfastly unbiased in releasing entirely accurate truthful information regardless of cost? I don't know which I'd choose however it did make me wonder if information is sometimes edited for our betterment, to protect us, or to keep us ignorant.

More importantly this film made me want to find out the truth for myself and see We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks.
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