Pretty much another vampire movie
12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know why I ended up buying all three of these movies considering that they are now helping to clog up my house with useless stuff that I don't need, won't use, and will probably never watch again. While the second movie was actually quite enjoyable to watch, this helping pretty much falls flat on its face for quite a few reasons, including the rather annoying acting that seemed to have cropped up again.

While the first two movies were trying to be Indiana Jones, this movie pretty much decided to throw the whole adventure idea away and simply create what is little more than a vampire movie. Hey, they don't even go to an exotic place, they go to New Orleans, and the entire movie is set in New Orleans (with the exception of the beginning which is set in London, and is trying hard to be a James Bond opener) and a part in the middle where they go to an island, which as it turns out, is near New Orleans anyway.

Hey, now that I come to think of it, I remember that there was another vampire movie that was set in New Orleans, and even though I didn't particularly like that one, at least is was better than this helping. They even decided to make Russians the bad guys, which is a little bit too eighties, particularly since they were doing what they were doing to resurrect the glory of mother Russia. To me the whole idea of using Russians as bad guys (as well as fundamentalist Muslim terrorists, even before the 'war on terror') is just too clichéd. Hey, now that I think about it, pretty much any bad guy that I can think of from Hollywood is a little too clichéd (secret government departments, Columbian drug barons, Nazi's, North Koreans, aliens, mafia dons, and I'm sure there are a lot more out there as well).
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