An Unintended Hilarious Movie
12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie is that this is almost a documentary, providing keen incite through an all-knowing narrator. In reality however, the show is anything but realistic...

In the beginning we are introduced to the women, who dance but "know not why." The wise old woman tells them that they dance because they need men. Quick to act, the women create a hunting party and go marching through the forest looking for men. Now, we have to give these women credit. They were very strategic. They attack a group of men with their long-ranged slingshots, using a river as a barrier. The men foolishly continue to approach, despite being pummeled with stones. Then the women charge with clubs to finish off the men, and beat them into submission. The entire scene was hilarious! Seriously. It was quite refreshing to see the men literally get the "short end of the stick". Side-note, throughout the movie, the women have perfectly styled 50's hair. The men are largely clean-shaven.

The women march of with their captives, as one injured man escapes. This man will become one of the worst movie heroes I have ever seen. He scurries back to his tribe, and relates what happens to the historian, who promptly draws cave paintings depicting women with devil horns! He then decides that he will go on a lone mission to free his friends. Even though he's clearly seen that this pack of women defeated a half-dozen men! But no, no, he will be the savior. After running around, getting chased by an elephant, and accidentally discovering fire, this "hero" finds the women's territory. A couple women naturally see him gallivanting through their forest, and set a trap. One conveniently kneels down in the middle of the path "re-tying" her sandal. The man sees her, and tries to sneak up behind her. And then the other women jump out of the trees and start beating him up with clubs! It was fantastic. This "hero" truly needed something to wake him up. He's awful. For some reason though, the brunette leader of the tribe takes a liking to him. But beware! The buck-toothed blonde also likes this man. And so begins the first female cat-fight. Don't worry, the buck-toothed blonde gets beaten into submission. At this point, the movie descends into chaos. A pterodactyl flies in and attacks. This creature looked ridiculous. I mean truly, this couldn't be taken seriously. But no, the brunette leader of the group, who clearly has been fairly intelligent up to this point, falls down. "Help, help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" Geez. "Luckily", the men come in with torches and drive the pterodactyl away. And capture the women. And proceed to march them back to their own camp. Yay...not. This truly is the turning point of the whole film. I really liked this female leader up to this point. But after her humiliating defeat, things go down-hill for her characterization.

At this point, an evil giant (who had killed the brunette leader's mother) shows up. Chases them into a cave. Yet the men are able to defeat him with fire, gaining the respect and adoration of the women. Yuck. Somehow, they come to the decision that they'll form their own tribe. And so the old wise woman begins the marriage ceremonies, while the narrator solemnly declares. "And so then, as is today, the battle of the sexes was determined not through the club, but through romance!" How could this intelligent brunette fall in love with this horrible, thick-headed man! Nearly everything he accomplishes is done by accident, from fire to cooked meat. Ugh. What can you say? It's the 50's. Oops, I mean, prehistoric times.

Some people will love this movie, and some will hate it. The fact of the matter is, it's simply a film that cannot be taken seriously. If you take it how it is, as a perfectly ridiculous B-movie, you will find this movie hilarious. Others will scoff at the level of absurdity and want to chuck it out the window. I myself loved the movie for the huge amount of cheesiness. The film had me laughing 90% of the time. How you take this movie will depend on how much suspension of disbelief you can handle. If you're willing to sit back and watch the hilarity unfold, you'll enjoy this movie. If that's not you, move on and pick a more serious film.
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