Family United (2013)
Not Sánchez Arévalo's best effort
12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite disappointed by 'La gran familia española' which was just nice to see but not a film to remember, or revisit. Too many elements are pushed together onto a plot that is too close for comfort to old-fashioned Spanish 'costumbrismo'. If this is your introduction to Sánchez Arévalo you run the risk of missing much better films by him, like the super 'Azul Oscuro, Casi Negro', the excellent 'Gordos' and the very funny 'Primos', a much better comedy than 'La gran familia española'. I'll grant, though, that the cast is very solid, with Arévalo's fetish actors Antonio de la Torre and Quim Gutiérrez doing their best, with interesting performances by Verónica Echegui and the younger actors.
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