Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
Walt's Ending, not Jesse's
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Needless to say I loved Breaking Bad from start to finish, I even loved Felina, however, despite what I thought was a good finale (a little bit clichéd but I think it worked pretty well) I could not help but feel disappointed and this is for only one reason. Throughout all of Breaking Bad I always felt (and others may disagree) that it was never all about Walt, I always believed that while Walt was the star (at least in Gale's mind anyway!) you cannot deny that the show would never have been what it was without Jesse. Even in terms of Walt's development as a character his one constant up to the 5th series seemed to be his connection with Jesse. As the show progressed through the seasons I personally found myself having more of an interest in what was happening to Jesse rather than Walt, I felt that in terms of suffering and punishment Jesse experienced much more, in my mind the only real punishment that Walt experienced was his isolation in the cabin and much of Jesse's suffering came at the hands of his 'friend'. I guess in summation I found it to be a satisfactory ending overall, except for in Jesse's case. He made virtually no impact on the episode and made his getaway like a rabid dog that had been let off it's leash! Maybe my disappointment stems from the fact that Jesse has been irreparably damaged by his relationship with Walt but by the time the show ended I felt that all traces of the Jesse we used to know had been wiped out, leaving Walt to the ending he always wanted; sole notoriety for 'his' meth empire.
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