Fist of Fury (1972)
Yow! It's "Chop-Socky" Action At Its All-Time Best!
10 October 2013
*Spoiler Alert!*

OK. I won't lie. I liked Fist Of Fury. I really did.

Well, that is - I liked the wild, over-the-top fight scenes that were, at times, a literal frenzied roller-coaster ride of grunting, groaning, snapping, leaping, screaming bodies flying this way and that.

Yep. Bruce Lee (with his perfect coordination and his precision timing) really did a mighty fine job of royally kicking some serious ass.

And, in the lull between all of the Kung Fu action, I also liked the priceless "Geisha-Girl" striptease. (nudge-nudge-wink-wink) Now, that was a hoot-and-a-half!

And, I also got a really big kick (pardon the pun) at the moment when Bruce Lee's character who (not being able to put his opponent down with any of his deadly kicks or chops) actually resorted to (get this!) sinking his teeth into this fierce, unstoppable brute's foot. (I ain't kidding!)

Believe me, from where I was sitting, this was a sheer delight to watch. This sort of conduct from Bruce was a real slice of pure slapstick comedy, straight out of an episode from The Three Stooges.

This film also contained a helluva lot of outright prejudice and antagonism towards the Japanese. I certainly won't go into any great detail about it here - But, I will say that the Japanese were all depicted as being a truly despicable bunch of pseudo-Nazi types.

When it came to this picture's overall action sequences and the wonderful choreographing of its fight scenes, I was really quite surprised when I came to realize just how often these very scenes have been lifted and blatantly used, over and over again, in such films as The Matrix Reloaded, Kill Bill, and other such films.

Anyways - In spite of all the wooden performances, the laughable dialog, and the terrible dubbing that prevailed, it was undeniably Bruce Lee, the ultimate master of martial arts, who shone magnificently throughout this very film that literally started the whole Kung Fu movie-craze over 40 years ago.
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