" Audie's Army Wears Petticoats "
10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Audie Murphy plays Union officer Lt. Frank Hewitt, who disobeys his officer's orders to massacre Native Americans at Sand Creek. He deserts his unit as he knows the massacre will only incite the tribe to take revenge upon American citizens. He heads home for Texas, where his friends and neighbours consider him a traitor, for defecting the calvary. With the proof of an impending tribal attack, Hewitt must train the women to defend themselves, as all the men are away at war. He trains them at an abandoned missionary, and when the angry Indians arrive, the women defeat them. Hewitt the deserter is found not-guilty during court-martial proceedings, however his former commander is not so lucky, and is charged with the Sand Creek carnage. This film is surprisingly very good. The cast gives solid performances, with the stand-out mention of Hope Emerson and young Kathryn Grant playing Murphy's feisty love interest. There are some good tense and gripping scenes, that take place during the attack on the mission. Murphy's performance is cool as he whips the woman into fighting shape. I really enjoyed this entertaining film and suggest it's worth a look.
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