Good beginning but drags on
10 October 2013
This film tell the story of two young assassins who encounter a difficult situation when they do a job to finance the newest designer dress.

"Violet & Daisy" starts off exciting and very promising, as it successfully plays on the contrast between the angelic and innocent faces of the two leading girls, and they violent nature of what they do. However, the greatness was not sustained, and there is much slack after the intense beginning. The plot just dragged on with a lot of unneeded conversation. Though such scenes are to show their developing ambivalence towards their target, it becomes tiring and irritating. Why can't they just do it already! I think "Violet & Daisy" is an adequate film, and I really enjoy the two leading girls' performances. However, if there is more action thrown in that delays their kill, instead of just talking all the time, it would have been much better.
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