Hallows' Eve (2013)
Most AWFUL movie of the year.../
7 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, how in the world did this get "5.0" points? Must be from the lame actors. Secondly, this movie was really really bad.

I watched this because I believe Danielle Harris still has it in her to become a great horror actress and seeing this movie coming out, I wanted to watch it. I did not want to watch the trailer for the fact that it can ruin movies for me. In that instance, I have made a very bad error. This movie, was so awful, the acting was similar to 3rd graders, that I had a HARD time watching it past the first 15 minutes.

From the beginning, you can tell how this movie would go and I found myself skipping most scenes. Not only is it predictable, the acting is horrendous, the "killings" are an ABSOLUTE JOKE, I was laughing at most of them, as you can definitely see the dummies that were covered in blood in what was to be a "body".

The end scene of the movie, the lady dies a painful, almost laughable death. That part humored me because it was so lame.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for your sanity and for the precious time you have on this earth, do not watch this unless you are either high or very drunk. AVOID!!

For the Phantom Stranger: THIS MOVIE IS SO BAD! THERE IS NOTHING GOOD THAT CAN COME FROM THIS HORRID MOVIE. You are most likely the actor or the producer trying to brainwash most people out of their money. All I have to say is....LET them be the judge on HOW HORRID this laughable, brain dead movie really is. I watch ALL types of horror, and there are BAD ones, there are GOOD BAD ones, and there are GREAT BAD ones. This one is so HORRID, I felt my IQ drop... Folks, I will let you be the judge of it, and Phantom stranger? start making better movies.
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