A well polished bore.
7 October 2013
When Dulquer quotes that the road has answers to all questions, we expect a killer line to follow. Instead, he adds that he doesn't have questions to ask. Now if he had no questions, why did he quote?. This is just an example of how the movie treads through unnecessary territories and ends up offering nothing but a love for bullets.

The movie begins with Kasi embarking on a supposedly introspective Kerala-Nagalnd journey and he is soon joined by his best buddy Suni. They face unprecedented challenges which takes them off-route to places like Puri and Bamanghata(West Bengal). As to why they embark on this journey is explained through a series of interruptive flashbacks to their college lives.

A road movie is expected to bring out the traditions and cultures of places, people and foods of the locales. NPCB doesn't touch any of these and instead simple focuses on Kasi and his narrative thoughts. The viewer is really disappointed as there is so much to be offered but none delivered. Its as if Puri is a disco + jungle and Bamanghata is a manual rice mill.

A lot of loose ends simply add to the misery. Like what business does a tender coconut vendor have in the middle of a highway and what drives him to act erratically? A keen observer will be bubbling with doubts after watching this cross-country NatGeo-style Docudrama.

Even the cinematography disappoints. We are simply treated to an overdose of Kasi and Suni flaunting their Bullets on the road (like there are no other vehicles?!)The DoP fails in photographing out the places in their ethnic fervor and we are treated to some dim lit, underexposed and brown-soaked fashion show of bullets (we have one stingy producer in Sameer Thahir, for he does not even provide a crane to the poor lad!)

On the performance side, Dulquer looks charming and tries hard to add an emotional dimension to the movie. Sunny Wayne's guffaw and desire to differentiate between love and lust are impressive. The women are average at best (just like the movie).

The sole savior is Rex Vijayan, who has been strumming out some fresh tunes movie film after film. The editor probably could do nothing but fill all holes with reels of bullet-ing and close-ups.

The Skies, Water and Earth are not as colourful as promised and considering the soaring petrol prices, i wouldn't kick-start my bullet to visit them.
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