After Earth (2013)
Lame Attempt to Promote the Non-Talented Son with a Decadent Director
5 October 2013
In the future, Earth becomes inhabitable and mankind moves to Nova Prime. However, aliens try to conquer Nova Prime but are defeated by the Rangers under the command of General Cypher Raige (Will Smith). The aliens bring the predator Ursas to hunt down the humans attracted by their fear and Raige develops the fearless ghosting technique to defeat them.

On the same day that Raige returns home, his estranged son Kitai Raige (Jaden Smith) is not advanced to the Ranger position in the academy. Raige promises his wife that he will travel in his last assignment before retirement and she convinces him to bring Kitai with him. When their spacecraft is damaged by an asteroid storm, she crashes on Earth and only Raige and Kitai survive. Raige breaks both legs and Kitai needs to cross the hostile and dangerous planet to retrieve the beacon and save their lives.

"After Earth" is an awful movie, beginning with the boring story and the lame screenplay. It is laughable that in a society possessing advanced technology, the spacecraft beacon is not automatically activated but needs human action to send a distress signal. The decadent M. Night Shyamalan is the director of one good movie ("The Sixth Sense") only and nothing else is worthwhile in his work despite the available budget. Will Smith is a charismatic actor and most of his movies are entertaining but he is dreadful in this movie.

But the greatest problem with "After Earth" is the non-talented son of Will Smith, Jaden Smith. He is a ham actor, with his wooden face, terrible pronunciation of the sentences and ugly crying face and ruins the movie in the lead role, in a poor attempt of his father to promote his career of actor. Like mentioned in Mr. Michael Elliott's review, "After Earth" worth watching just so you can say you saw the worst child actor in history. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Depois da Terra" ("After Earth")
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