The Crazy Ones (2013–2014)
I'm afraid I thought it was awful.
2 October 2013
We began watching with such high hopes and were so disappointed when, 10 minutes in, we couldn't bear to keep watching. It is full of cheesy, obvious, tired jokes. Robin Williams (whom I love) has simply succumbed to being a parody of himself. Why not just have a 20 minute Robin Williams stand-up routine - clearly they thought that putting him in as the star was enough to "make" the show. Sarah Michelle Geller looks lovely but she and Williams have no chemistry as father and daughter. Her comedic input not only falls flat but is also completely overwhelmed by William's shtick. The supporting cast adds nothing to enhance the experience - none of the relationships are properly introduced or embellished so everyone seems completely one dimensional from the get go. I was bored and uncomfortable and far from entertained. I'm so disappointed, I was really looking forward to this.
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