This is unbearably imbecilic. It makes Spiritual Kung-Fu look like a masterpiece in comparison.
29 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jackie Chan is one of my heroes. The man is responsible for many great martial art extravaganzas, but he's also made some abhorrent stinkers like this one. Right from the atrocious opening where it is almost like a stage play of sorts with all of the histrionics. I knew I could potentially be in for a long 95 minutes or so. I always try to get the subtitled version of these movies, but I was forced to watch the dubbed version of this one. The dubbing is painful to listen too, and got on my nerves throughout the film. Like a lot of Jackie movies affiliated with Lo Wei, it's filed with extremely lame slapstick scenes which offer no laughs what so ever. There are a few unfunny farting gags. We get a scene involving a guy trying to intimidate Jackie, and Jackie throws chicken eggs at him (!) The fight scenes are ridiculously hammy and unexciting. I don't mind the use of wires. It's happened in a few Jackie Chan & Jet Li movies that I like, but they looked ludicrously silly here. It also makes a bit of a mockery of Kung-Fu in my opinion. Despite that there is evil in this movie, a lot of it is played for laughs. With how everything angered me immensely, I didn't care when an action scene commenced, I just wanted this movie to be over. I've enjoyed a few early Jackie movies, such as Shaolin Wooden Men, Drunken Master, etc, but this movie is absolutely terrible. It makes Spiritual Kung-Fu look great in comparison

Final Thoughts: It's cheap, boring, and agonizingly stupid. If you're looking for solid Kung-Fu action with Jackie Chan, you're WAY off course. Avoid this like the plague. Even die hard Jackie fans will most likely hate this one. If they're smart they will…

DUD (Dud is the worst rating possible out of 10)
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