Review of Palmetto

Palmetto (1998)
Under-rated Neo Noir
28 September 2013
Another underrated movie on IMDb like many other suspense/mystery thrillers. Seeing the rating on IMDb and then watching suspense/mystery thrillers made me feel that movies of mentioned genre are not rated well here. They are often underrated and because of that many suspense/mystery lovers might have missed quite brilliant movies. I rather put it in a way that Neo Noirs are actually not well rated here.

Any suspense/mystery lover can easily like this movie. Movie has quite good twists and turns which are difficult to predict. Screenplay is written well but could be better. Woody has done great job but I feel Elizabeth was bit over acting. Direction is good. Overall movie has great neo noir feeling.

I recommend this movie specially to neo noir lovers, they will not regret watch it. There are few others which I like to mention are well underrated like Wolfgang's Shattered, John Dhal's Kill me again.
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