The Road (I) (2009)
Too many ridiculous scenes this dreary story
21 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes at the beginning of "The Road." I was less than thrilled by the end. This post- apocalyptic journey of a man and his young son is rife with non-sensical decisions and stereotyped insertions, it ruins what could have been a dreary but thought provoking masterpiece. Viggo Mortensen is an amazing actor and he shines, Charlize Theron is wasted as a self centered bitch. The cameo by Robert Duval is really interesting and cool. I wish there was at least 5 minutes of back story as to how the Earth was turned into a gray wasteland - this was my early indicator of dissatisfaction to come. Wow, was I right. Where are the "meaning of life" conversations between father and son? Who is their right mind leaves a bomb/Tornado shelter stocked with non-perishable food just because someone or something walks around it? That is the most ridiculous scene in the movie - absolutely ridiculous. The stereotypes include the "trucker" gang that is obviously a slant on southerners, and why, oh why is the "thief" a black man? Are are kidding? I think I would have eaten the kid - for his whining. He was way to healthy looking to pass a sick malnourished little kid. the road to boredom.
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