Paintball (2009)
21 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not much of a plot, or a film really. Gang of people respond to an advert to do paint balling, and guess what?

They start getting killed one by one by an albino who has cheap Predator vision, because the makers cannot afford proper special effects.

All along though, its discovered that the makers have seen Hostel, and people are paying to see Albino Predator kill the paintball crew......

First off, this film is bad.

It has no narrative, no real storey, and not one single likable character. Its a car crash from beginning to end.

When a film becomes a chore to get through it, you know something is wrong. Characters shout at the top of their voices for people, and end up fighting one another.

And they are all stereotypical. We have the Jock like wannabe leader, the hard as nails Ripley wannabe, the calm one, and the fat one who no one likes, spoiling it for everyone.

It's cheaply made, looks terrible, and I feel awful for wasting my life watching this.

Just writing this review is getting me down.

Awful, in every sense of the word...
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