The World's End May Be Wright's Best Yet
18 September 2013
The World's End is the third film by director Edgar Wright and actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, with the previous films being Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. I was a big fan of both of those and going into The World's End, I didn't see how it could live up to either of them, but I still hoped it would be entertaining. Well, I ended up being surprised because this may be my favorite of the three. The story is about a washed up 40 something guy(Pegg) who gets his old school buddies together to do a pub crawl in their hometown. All of the buddies have moved on, with either wives, kids, and good jobs and view Pegg's character as a guy stuck in suspended adolescence. When the group arrives to the town, they soon discover that almost all of the city's residents have been replaced by robots and the action ensues from there. It doesn't sound like the most brilliant story in the world, but Wright is great at taking genres and giving them more than just what people expect. In a movie about crazy robots, I never would have expected to relate to a lot of the film's themes and the motivation behind Pegg's character to want to do the pub crawl. Comedian Paul F. Tompkins summed it up best with his brief review, "The World's End is a fun, funny, smart, touching movie that you should see. YOU DESERVE GOOD ENTERTAINMENT!" I also want to give praise to the soundtrack which included some of the more obscure (to us in the US at least) songs from the 90's. I can't remember the last time I heard Teenage Fanclub. And the action sequences were really good too, I'd stack them up with some of the big action movies of the last few years. So with this being the 4th film of Wright's I've seen(Scott Pilgrim vs The World being the other), I think I can safely say that Wright is the current master of the action/comedy and I can't wait to see what he does with Ant-Man.
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