Waste of time
13 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that never provides any kind of satisfactory sense of what is going on. One minute the kid is at home (in what seems like an insane asylum, or a cult), the next he's in a real insane asylum, then next moment he's in some house trying to get a job as a Tutor, who knows for what. Suddenly he's a prisoner in this house, but he seems to have no problem with it. Lots of bizarre stuff happens with no connecting plot links, it's all very arbitrary and random. It's as if the writer had several ideas and played them all out as he narrowed down what one to finally end the movie on. Which, when you discover the plot revealed at the end, makes the majority of the movie seem completely nonsensical. It is truly a bad movie; some movies can even be so bad they're good, but not this one, it's just a lousy waste of time. It finally ended rather in a rather cliché way and I asked myself for the hundredth time "really? what the hell?!".. And as for the other reviews touting the "WTF!?" quality of this movie. They must either have some really good drugs, or they are just really easily amazed. There were no good WTF scenes. I could understand if this movie had some actual entertaining WTF scenes, but these weren't like that. These were the lame "WTF? that made no sense! why am i watching this piece of crap?!" kind of WTF scenes. A movie that is just mind-numbingly confusing and convoluted does not make it GOOD. In fact it was so bad, I took it upon myself to come write this review to warn others not to waste their time too!
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