A Captivating Film
13 September 2013
Upon entering the theater I knew that I was coming to see a 2 hour movie which in no way, shape or form could capture every epic detail and nuance (historical and personal) over a 50 year period of Winnie Mandela's life story. What amazes me is the amount of negative criticism and unrealistic expectations that this film has received. Those types of lofty goals could only be accomplished in an 8 part miniseries not a 2 hour film.

Keeping an open mind, I sat down not knowing what to expect. What I received was the privilege of witnessing a captivating film with outstanding performances. Ms. Hudson pleasantly surprises with her depth of character as Winnie Mandela (not the smirks, attitude and singing which won her an Oscar in Dreamgirls)... she was able to go there. Furthermore, I appreciate the fact that the film does not attempt to "sugarcoat" Winnie's journey. Mr. Howard was a brilliant choice to portray Nelson Mandela... he possessed both the strength and elegance of the icon. Supporting cast performances were also excellent.

As the credits rolled the audience sat quietly almost as if glued to their seats. After the final credit rolled my experience was summed up by a fellow audience member who stood, stretched and said... WOW! I walked away from that theater in astonishment... they actually pulled it off! I see Oscar nods for both Howard and Hudson and possibly Mr. Koteas. The only thing working against this film and possible nominations is that it is not part of the "Hollywood Machine" which force feeds movies, reviews and awards. I truly hope that this lovely film does not fall victim to the "Hollywood Monster" lurking over it. Disregard the reviews... go see this movie, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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