Rough justice and rough viewing held steady by a strong central performance
11 September 2013
When you read the title I spit on your Grave 2, you do kind of think of some knock off sequel. I never saw the original but did see the remake of the original. I can remember the general gist of that movie however methinks it was not as uncomfortable as its sequel. The movie starts off relatively generic however there is an air of reasonable quality about the production which continues throughout, plus it's not entirely predictable, at least until the third and final act. All the actors perform well enough with the material they're given and only one plot point irks me. The movie is a gory revenge movie and therein lies the basics of the story. What ISOYG 2 does differently lies in the pretty graphic depiction on its events and you really feel so sorry for the lead actress that your almost cheering when she exacts her revenge. Some viewers may find this quite uncomfortable, you'd really need to have seen movies somewhat like this before. The strongest point however without a doubt in the film is the lead actress Jemma Dallender who really steers this film with a very strong performance and without whom this movie would certainly be a lesser work. An above average horror sequel not for the faint hearted.
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