Amish Mafia (2012–2015)
Amish Mafia - it's a real hoot
10 September 2013
I don't care whether it's for real or not, and I don't see how it could be. However, the characters are a sheer delight to watch. It is highly entertaining.

Esther - is sort of the "moll" as they used to call the girlfriend of the gangsters back in the real Mafia days.

John - her brother - probably couldn't tie his own shoe laces without help.

Jolin - is a fascinating character with those big, powerful guns.

Alvin - a quiet, faithful 'foot soldier'

Merlin - he's an enigma wrapped up in a riddle! And there are others equally interesting.

But my absolutely favorite is Lebanon Levi. Lebanon is allegedly the leader of the Amish Mafia, but he gives the appearance of being a big, ol' teddy bear - even when he's hollering in John's face: "Don't be talking back!"

There are more contradictions than you could shake a stick at on this show. One example of many is Merlin, who "talks" to God, and recently got shunned - yet he apparently has never been baptized or he couldn't possibly be doing the things he is shown doing.

This is true for all of these people. If they were really Amish wouldn't they have to have either gotten baptized and joined the church or have had to leave the community by now? One would think so.

Many things are never really explained - like how Jolin, a Mennonite, is able to speak the low German/Pennsylvania Dutch language the Amish speak. That is - if all of them are really speaking that language, since I frequently detect words that are definitely English when they are supposed to be speaking only Amish German.

For entertainment value I think this show can't be beat.

8 stars - and it just keeps getting better and better!
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