What Remains (2013)
Dramatic investigation of a young woman's unexplained death
9 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I have been very intrigued and thoroughly enjoying the "What Remains" series! I had not seen any information at all when I watched the first episode and wasn't sure what kind of series it was going to be at all.

I will concede that the first episode is a bit slow, but this is because they are setting the stage and introducing the players. The story is very enthralling as more and more of the young woman's life (as well as the inter-relations with her neighbours) are exposed by the investigation.

It is an interesting, if sad, commentary on today's self-focused lifestyle, where people don't know their neighbours and how that allows for all manner of unsavory secrets up to and possibly including murder!

It is spectacularly acted and directed. Having only opportunity to watch the first two episodes, I am looking forward to episode 3 and 4!
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