Rogue's March (1953)
Good stuff
7 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Made in 1953 when Hollywood ruled. This film has some aspects of the movie Four Feathers. There is the wronged soldier (Peter Lawford) dismissed from the service, sentenced to civilian custody where he some how escapes. What I thought was a nice twist was when Lawford enlists in another outfit. He ends up serving in India where his original unit is there and in trouble. He distinguishes himself and with the capture of a Russian scum sucking agent is cleared of the original charges and while it is not actually shown I assume returned to his former station in the military. I really liked the scenes with the mules carrying the mountain artillery and when the gun crews start setting it up. That is not shown very often especially in older movies where they are more interested in the main characters and the action scenes. I also really liked seeing Leo G. Carroll as the commander of the units involved, he usually got supporting roles of a lesser tier than in this film or as a comedic element in a movie.
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