Wait, This Movie Had A Great Rating
1 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was mediocre at best. I laughed out loud a few times--as did the rest of the audience, but other than that I found it boring and actually nodded off twice. One of the girls sitting in front of me stated, "well it wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't that good either", which I thought summed it up pretty well. The biggest shock was that it had a 7.9 IMDb rating which normally indicates a potentially "great" movie in any category--especially a comedy. (anything above a 7 tends to consistently be what I consider a GOOD movie).I give it a 5.5 or maybe 6. THere were several other movies in the same theater with lower IMDb ratings that, in retrospect, I wished I had spent my time and money on.
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