Ghost Shark (2013 TV Movie)
Well, It's Original At Least
31 August 2013
Ghost Shark (2013)

** (out of 4)

A group of friends grow tired of a mysterious ghost shark eating their friends so they decide to stick together and try to figure out what's going on. Yes, the title pretty much tells you everything you need to know as SyFy is back with yet another "shark" movie. While they have shown countless shark movies over the years, this one here is the first to actually tell the story of a haunted shark whose ghost attacks people. You might think this is a stupid idea, and it is, but at the same time there's no question that you've never seen anything quite like this and on that level the film remains mildly entertaining. The idea that a ghost of a shark would go around killing people is just downright silly but the film takes it to a whole 'nother level by making the ghost able to go into any sort of water. This gives us some crazy, over-the-top and at times hilarious scenes where the shark attacks a group of kids inside a pool and even a water puddle isn't safe from this thing. I really hope people don't watch a film called GHOST SHARK and expect some sort of serious, Shakespeare-like drama. Those watching this should just be into it for some cheap fun and I think the film delivers on this level. There's still no question that the film contains quite a few flaws including the fact that it simply runs out of gas towards the end, which keeps it from being better. None of the performances are what you'd call great but they're good enough for this type of material. Fans of the silly should certainly get a few kicks out of this even if it falls short of SHARKNADO.
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