Very interesting character study, better than its IMDb rating suggests.
30 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I found this one on Netflix streaming movies. It is quite quirky in places, which may turn off some who enjoy conventional narratives, but in total it is a very nice little story.

Jessica Alba is the adult, 20-something Mona Gray. As a small girl she loved her dad, ran with him, did "numbers" with him, and overall became somewhat fascinated with numbers.

But as she grew up her dad developed a mental problem, he could no longer function normally, and as a 10-yr-old Mona thought if she did certain things, for example if she denied herself of things she enjoyed, her dad would get better.

All this caused Mona to grow up with development challenges, and she became very shy and unwilling to experience normal friendships, not to mention a love relationship. But one day, to help her, mom found out the local elementary math teacher had run off to Paraguay to join the revolutionaries and Mona was to be the new math teacher. Never mind that she never finished college!

So Mona jumps in there, does the best she can, has difficulty controlling the students. But she meets Science teacher, Chris Messina as Ben Smith. he is pretty much the opposite of Mona, outgoing and not overly worrying about anything. He takes a liking to Mona but finds her shell very difficult to penetrate.

J.K. Simmons is interesting as the neighbor Mr. Jones, who had taught math to Mona as a child, and who now runs the local hardware store. Her confused dad is John Shea as Dad. And Sonia Braga is her mom, still attractive at just past 60. I first saw her years ago in the 1983 movie "Gabriella" where in her early 20s played a sultry cook and lover. Interesting career arc!

Anyway it is a nice movie, and therapeutic for Mona, as she eventually finds a way out of her shell. I have enjoyed Jessica Alba since her days as "Dark Angel" on the TV series, and I like her here.
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